Matrix Reloaded and Jl. Kemang Festival

Went to see Matrix Reloaded. Great movie! I will write more about my personal opinion about this movie in a couple of days.

Some of you may not agree that Reloaded is a great and in par or even greater than the first movie. But let me give you some hints. Try not to watch this movie for the special effects only. Try to watch it as a very metaphysical and philosophical movie with amazing special effects as the bonus. Then I hope you will understand and appreciate it better.

Enough about Reloaded. I will write more. Let me continue to my second great experience today which is visiting Jl. Kemang Festival one of the event of Jak@art 2003.

I went there with Ayu and we have a great experience with the festival. Lots of trinkets, accessories, events and friends there. A real refreshment and food for our soul especially my soul after spending most of the week sitting in front of computer almost 20 hours a day.

Well, I didn’t buy anything there, but Ayu had a shopping spree madness =). Can’t blame her, most of the items are too damn unresistable and it was fun watch her drooling (not literally, of course) all over the items there. Too bad the festival only held for one day… and only once a year.

So if you missed this year festival, see you next year then. Hope you will make it that time… and don’t forget to bring your love one, I promise you will have a great experience.