What Lies Beneath and Hell

what lies beneath and hell hot chilli pepper

hmm… just watched “what lies beneath“, good thriller movie and pretty jumpy to watching at. michelle pfeiffer really put on a great act on this movie and what a rarity seeing harrison ford as an antagonist character… =)

next stop… ‘ruang tengah ardan’, watching an anime movie… eating a ‘big’ supper… i mean ‘big’! and before i went home i tried an ingredient that i believe was made in hell!!! a very… very… very… hot chilli sauce and trust me it felt like you were swallowing a great big ball of fire… well, actually i kinda like it though… but i believe that the regular kind of guy will sure burn his throat and tongue right away…. hehehe. so with a great curiosity i browse the web for more information and i found the other version of it and it claim more hotter… ouch…. =P and then i found its creator website, go there and imagine what kind of tongue and throat the people who actually love this stuff…. and i told you, if i am one of them then maybe i am their lowest rank ever…

well, that’s my day…. time to resign and went back to my lovely (but more dirty and full of junks) cubicle and continue my design…