This is my thesis HQ. The world is currently revolved around this table. This is life.
Current things on the table:
1 cup of coffee
2 empty cups
1 box of orange juice
iPod 2G
Cellphone, Sony Ericsson T68i
Current books on the table:
The Archaeology of Knowledge, Michel Foucault.
The Order of Things, Michel Foucault.
City of Bits, William J. Mitchell.
Postcolonial Space(s), G.B. Nalbantoglu and C.T. Wong.
Architecture and Computers: Action and Reaction in the Digital Design Revolution, James Steele.
Hybrid Space: New Forms in Digital Architecture, Peter Zellner
Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition (Charles Eliot Norton Lectures), S. Gideon.
2 volumes of Columbia Documents of Architecture and Theory.
And those are not all, still have some books inside the locker and on the other places. And it’s Sunday afternon…
Btw, the computer name is “Happy”. Yeah, one of the seven dwarves.