Bush is in Ottawa today. And he got a really “warm” welcome from Canadians. More than 5.000 people, more than 12.000 people according to the demonstration organizer, are marching down the street while waving banners and posters showing their true feeling about the leader of the United Empire of America… which can generally resumed as… “Bush Go Home” and home means Texas, not United States of America.
The demonstration were mostly peaceful, a brief clash between a few demonstrator and riot police but… it’s not even a “clash” by my standard, OK I am not being fair here since I’ve seen worse back in ’98 in Jakarta. Back to the demonstration, it was very peaceful and energetic, almost like a carnival. No violence, no damaging public or private properties, no riots, everybody enjoyed venting their opinion about Dubya, which is of course oppositional opinion. This was one of the most peaceful demonstration I’ve ever seen. The police are friendly and helpful, kinda made me bite my teeth when I remember how over-acted and over-reacted Indonesian police were and still are.
There are couple of pictures if you like to read more.
Notes: All photos are low-mid quality to speed things up, sorry.

The demonstration line started here…

Lots of banners and posters, some are cute, some are right to the point, some are rude, some are just plain mindboggling…
My favorite line for today: Leave Star Wars to the other George!

Many, many, many people were on the street…

Noticing some CIMS boys…

This one is my favorite poster of the day…

Marching to Parliament Hill…

He was rapping, giving speech, taking videos while standing on top of that box car…
I have more photos but I think these are representative enough to show how the demonstration in Ottawa looks like. Peace, Order and Good Goverment.