CeBIT – Part I

CeBIT 2004, Hannover is huge! One day was not enough for me to see all the exhibition and grab all the free goodies 😉. It have more than 20 giant exhibition hall and lots of exhibitors.

Not many ‘new’ breakthrough technology as far as I could see, only ‘enhancement’ of the current technology and yeah, lots of new mobile phones… phone cam, especially.

On the software side… well, I can only say that are not much development… This ‘stagnant situation’ is understandable considering the current ‘downturn’ on IT business but to be honest, the prospect of brighter future is just around the corner and I am sure about that by looking into this current CeBIT altought I am not 100% optimistic.

Anyway, I will post more about CeBIT plus some pictures tomorrow because today I didn’t bring my camera with me… So until then, have a great weekend!