This Is So True…

Kevin‘s article: asterisk*: Death Of A Web Team is so true…

I’ve been on that water lately. My company is a very established and well known web company with years of experience, then suddenly this ‘advertising agency’ proposed design to one of our client and asked us to translate the design into ‘web’ design. Man… it was a very ‘graphic oriented design’, so many stupid little things that need tweaked on… and they even propose using ‘marquee’… geez, do they know how annoying the marquee is?

Darn. It may look good on printed form, but on I don’t think it will be more usefull on the website form. To add the matter worse… I can’t design it with web standards a good structure (and clean html – need some spacer .gif) because the design is so… graphical based, it needs tables to make it stick together… =(