Life’s Like This

Sometimes we ask why life is so complicated… ok, i know it sounds like avril lavigne’s song, but that’s really the big question.

Life is so complicated. And who really asked to live anyway? do you really want to live? do ask and beg to be alive? we just born and forced to live the life we never asked and if we’ve asked we know that we are forgot about it.

then what? if we want to end this life forcefully, we can’t. since ethically you can’t give away something that given to you without asking. it’s a gift, you can’t throw away the gift, can you?

so… if life is a gift, we should be thankful about it, right? hmm. if the gift is cool, but if it isn’t? we still can’t throw it away, since it will be an insult to whoever give you that gift. now, this is getting complicated…

let’s imagine if someone give us a gift like… a rotten egg. we didn’t ask for it and i believe not many want it, unless you had certain purpose with that kind of thing – which is not of my business. what should we do then? don’t ask me, that’s why i am writing this…

so if your life is a great one, be thankful to whoever you think gave it to you but if your life is not… well, be thankful too as maybe your life is an example or parameter for those who had a great life that they should be thankful about it. be happy, life’s like that…