Spent the Night… at the Office

at last… i spent the night at the office. yeah, yeah, deadline… you’ll understand if you are a designer. =P

well. it all started around 6 pm. i made my promise to ayu to see her performance with her ‘summer music camp’ at erasmus huis so i bail out from my office and went straight home to take my car.

after driving to the erasmus, i just realised that i have no idea where the erasmus is… =P pathetic… so after some seek and lost time i finally managed to get to the place. well, i miss one song already but that’s ok. at least i fulfill my promise to watch ayu performed.

the performance was great. so after watch the show i went back straight to my house to return my car. well, i tried to avoid parking fee at my office, it’s very expensive!

then i went to my office to finish the unfinished project. still a lot of people at the office but one by one they are going to slumber… zzzzz. and me? well, i don’t know, maybe because of the light, i don’t feel sleepy at all… =P

so here i am. the project was finished, now i am writing this journal, at the office, in the dusk. i think i should going home and take some rest and bath. until then.