yesterday.. Art Day!

i suppose i have to post this yesterday. sorry… yesterday i went to watch art summit indonesia 3 – 2001 at plaza senayan… the show was amazing, featuring strange fruit from australia, read more here. if you miss that, well… you miss a big deal then… =(

funny thing happened at night. i supposed to get ticket for today show for my girl’s family… then i went to taman ismail marzuki and after strange thing and other i ended up watching that night show with my girl!… for free… =) for the excerpt read here, if you want to watch it you could do it today at 8 pm. it’s not as fun as strange fruit but it is a real good show…

the papa tarahumara’s show express the reality of life… it had sadness, happiness, laughs, cries and other things in life. it give us a reflection on our life…

but the strange fruit’s show give me a joy and happy experience… it was fun, fun and more fun… i could dance with the music, laugh with the expression and act of the actor and much more…

that’s for yesterday… i am still have much more show to watch … =)