
It’s been a while, eh? Been busy with thesis and other stuff in life. The thesis progress is painfully slow, as always. Been working on other stuffs too, most of them are web development kind of work. I’ll let you know when they are done.

Got my student visa extended until July 2005. What a relief, at least I don’t have to worry for another 4 months or so.

Still looking for an apartment on my own now, right now I am occupying a couch in friend’s living room. Thanks Gerd!

What else? Hm, the spring is coming. The temperature is rising gradually, the day is getting longer and it means lots of sunshine, except when it’s rain or cloudy as usually happened most of the time in Germany. Blah.

Well, at least I could wake up with the sunshine on my face from time to time right now. It’s been quite depressing when you woke up and saw nothing but grey sky and snow covered white roofs. Winter had its own moment but right now, I rather enjoy the sun. But if you have your own personal sunshine then you don’t have to worry about bad weather, right? Hi sunshine, how are you today?